Monday, June 17, 2024

Fathers Day.....

7:39 am - Monday - June 17th - LPG&RVR - 42° F, humidity 59%, wind 10 mph out of the north by northwest......partly cloudy today with a forecast high of 64° F.  On this date in 2020 TLE and I were dry camping on the banks of the Yellowstone River next to Yellowstone Hot that place.....

 Other than the 2 mile out and back walk TLE and I took around 9:30 am Sunday I did not leave site #55 all day.  We managed a respectable 3.3 mph on our walk, then settled in to watch the fourth round of the US Open.  I set up the outdoor TV on the 'lido deck', turned on the TV on the 'dining/gaming deck', and the TV in the trailer.....

It was only 57° F at 9:30 am, so we were both bundled up against the cold, breezy day for our walk

.....the 4th round of the US Open began with Bryson DeChambeau at 7 under par, and a host of others at 4 under par, including Rory McIlroy.  It was really a day for Bryson to make pars, and see if the others could catch him, and that is what he did for most of the day, but with 5 holes to play Rory had reached 8 under par, and Bryson was at 6 under par.  It appeared the tournament was Rory's to win, however he bogeyed the next hole, and Bryson birdied it so pull even at 7 under par.  They both committed bogeys a couple of holes later to remain tied at 6 under par.  Then came the 18th hole....all Rory had to do was make a 3' 9" putt for par to remain tied, and head into a playoff with Bryson, but he missed the putt, and Bryson made his to win by one stroke.  I still cannot believe Rory made 3 bogeys in the last 5 holes, and I'm sure he cannot either.  At any rate Bryson DeChambeau is the winner of the 124th US Open at Pinehurst #2.  In the end there were only 8 players under par after 72 holes.

The US Open ended around 4 pm....we had the salon TV on at 7 am, so 9 hours of US Open coverage watched by TLE and I Sunday.  By 10 am TLE and I were inside watching the US Open for the rest of the day as it began to get breezy, and chilly.  The winds got up to 20 mph in the afternoon, and never really abated all night long.  Thankfully, they were in the 8-10 mph range during the night, so we slept quite well.

As I write it is still windy, but will only get to around 10 mph today, however, the temp has dipped into the low 60's today, again.  We'll be back in the 90's by next weekend.

Thanks for stopping by!

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