Sunday, June 9, 2024

The life we live after......

7:05 am - Sunday - June 9th - LPG&RVR - 56° F, humidity 62%, wind 2 mph out of the north by northwest....high cloudiness today with a forecast high of 81° F.  On this date in 2020 TLE and I were dry camping at a free county campground on the shores of Henry's Lake in Island Park, ID ......

....a nicely maintained, fee free county park right on the lake.....this is one of the things we love about this life style....finding places like this.....lawns mowed by someone else, no utilities for which to pay, million dollar views......spent 5 days there.

Getting out of bed after 7 am on a non work day is one of life's simple pleasures, but knowing you can do that for four days in succession is even sweeter!  When we become conscious enough to do so, we pull back the curtains to see what the day has in store for us, then just lie there talking, and giggling like little school girls for as long as the mood strikes us.  We didn't roll back the covers until after 7:30 am on Real Saturday.

Taking that first sip of hot Joe as the day has barely begun to unfold will never get old, even though we are certainly getting there.  Hard to believe TLE and I will turn 75 in September and October, respectively, this year.  Where have the last 12 nomadic years gone?  Has it really been 16 years since we took ownership of our 1982 Newell Classic?  I still remember the first morning we awoke in the Newell....March 2, an RV park in Desert Hot Springs, CA.  I sat up in bed and looked toward the front of the coach thinking how far away it looked, as a small tingle ran up and down my back, and how excited I was to own this big home on wheels.  I still get that tingle, even now, when I look to the front of the Newell first thing in the morning.  It seemed big to me then, and still does 16 years later.  I'm reminded of the refrain from a Bob Dylan song as I sit here musing whilst tapping at the keys of the keyboard of my Microsoft Surface laptop/tablet on a Sunday morning...."I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now"....

....additionally, a quote from the movie 'The Natural' comes to mind:.....

Iris Gaines: "You know, I believe we have two lives"
Roy Hobbs: "How....what do you mean?"
Iris Gaines: "The life we learn with, and the life we live after that" poignant, and oh so true.  I believe the past 16 years have been our second life, and I think TLE and I learned a lot from our first life, which is why this second life has been, and continues to be so amazing.  

As has become our custom, we began another day off work with a two mile out and back walk.  It takes us around 35 minutes to complete the 2 miles, but during that time, which seems endless at times, we talk, reminisce, and laugh.  We talk about the now, and a little about what the future may hold.  No one knows for sure what the future holds, as it has not been written yet, but the point is we feel this optimism about the unfolding day, and seem to know that at the end of it we will turn to each other and say  "What a great day!".  And why wouldn't another day spent with your best friend be GREAT?

As it turned out, Saturday was another great day in our nomadic existence spent with each other, and with good, like minded friends.  It was a little warm....probably 88° F, but it was a day lived on our terms, and in the moment, and that is how we strive to live our second lives.

Thanks for stopping by!

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