Tuesday, June 4, 2024

All by myself....

6:29 am - Tuesday - June 4th - LPG&RVR - 46° F, humidity 72%, wind 1 mph out of the north.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 83° F.  On this date in 2023 TLE and I were attending the weekly putting contest at LPG&RVR.....

 TLE worked for Kathie Monday, and will work 5 days this week, however, I did not work, and had the day all to myself.  After dropping TLE at work I headed back to the Newell to putter around most of the morning.  The wind was supposed to freshen later in the day so I made sure all the ropes (10) I have tying the dining canopy to the ground are tight, and that came in handy later as winds got up to 17 mph for a few hours.

TLE walked home for her lunch break, and I took a nap.  After the nap I took the 2 mile out and back walk by myself, and with my knee feeling better averaged 3.3 mph....

....the high for the day was only 68° F, and it was windy so I was sort of bundled up for the walk.

Del, the guy who shares my job with me, mowed the employee sites Monday, and our grass area is looking as good as it ever has.  I ran the water for a while after he mowed on one dry spot, but otherwise the lawn is doing spectacularly.  It is nice to have that large grass area separating us from the other sites....

.....by the time I returned from my walk, and had done my strengthening workout it was after 4 pm, and I knew TLE would be home within the hour, so I took a shower, and then another short nap before she returned.

I don't get days to myself often, and it's not as if I need them, but it is nice on occasion to have the place all to myself.  Well, it's back to work Tuesday through Friday.  Three of those days it will be in high 80's and low 90's.....here comes summer!

Thanks for stooping by!

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