Friday, June 14, 2024

Hump night.....

 5:52 am - Friday - June 14th - LPG&RVR - 50° F, humidity 71%, wind zero mph out of the northeast.....crystal clear, blue, sunny skies today with a forecast high of 82° F.  On this date in 2017 TLE and I had just arrived in West Yellowstone, and were having dinner with good friend Art Young, who helped us get our jobs working at one of the Yellowstone General Stores....

The park is much busier, and more people are playing golf earlier on a daily basis, so TLE  and I are leaving for work at 7:30 am now so she can have the office open earlier, and I can get carts staged earlier before our first customers arrive before 8 am for their early tee times.  I staged 10 carts to begin with, and that was pretty close....we ended up renting 13 carts in all, and all but 3 of them were back by my quitting time at 3:30 pm.

The goose/duck leavings continue to diminish on the #3 tee boxes....another sign that summer is arriving.  I only had to rake the sand trap at the 15th hole as the others were in good condition still, not showing any signs of human encroachment.....

Spied a large jack rabbit at the #5 tee boxes enjoying the shade

....the day was filled with more irrigation down at the night registration office, and the large grass area in the parking lot, some mowing down in the Meadows sites, dragging the cart paths between holes 9 and 18 and the Clubhouse, between the 2nd and 11th holes and the tee boxes at #3 and #11, and between the 4th hole, and the 5th tee box.  

Since it was Thursday I needed to clear the driving range, and was able to do so in about 40 minutes, garnering just 2.5 gallons of balls to be cleaned.  After that I cleaned one set of our loaner golf clubs, and then gave TLE her lunch break.

After lunch I made put on my marshaling hat to make one round of the course, then returned to begin washing and stowing golf carts.  The day went by quickly for me, and soon I found myself heading for home at 3:30 pm.  I returned at 5 pm to pickup TLE, and we were both home for the evening around 5:15 pm.  We call the night between the 2nd and 3rd days of our work shift 'hump night', and now we are on the downside of our 4 days of work.  Life moves pretty fast here at LPG&RVR.

Thanks for stopping by!

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