Sunday, July 21, 2019

Hot spots....

1:42 pm - Sunday - July 21st - Ramona, CA - 91° F, 33% humidity, wind 11 mph out of the northwest.....clear, blue, hot skies.  We have reached the forecast high for today.

Our housekeeper called in ill Saturday so I volunteered to do the restrooms in her place after I finished with the pool.  I will always take an indoor job when it is hot.  Each restroom takes me a little over an hour, and keeps me out of the direct sunlight.  The housekeeper also cleans the pool restrooms, and the single bathroom at the Red Barn, so I took care of them also.

In between restrooms I visited the pool a couple of times and caught a few guys sneaking beer into the pool guy I had already talked with before, so I told him if I caught him with beer again he would be banned from the pool for the balance of the weekend.  It seems that more and more people subscribe to the credo "Better to as forgiveness, than permission".

I was done with all the bathrooms by 1 pm and with an hour in my day remaining Rich asked me to take the Kubota loader up to the storage yard and put as much brush in the large dumpster we have there as it will be unloaded by the disposal company early next week.  It's the second time I've spent significant time operating the loader, and I am gradually improving my operational skills.

The temp only got to 85° F Saturday, and it was a very pleasant day.  Beginning Sunday our temps will get into the 90's and stay there for the foreseeable future.....the foreseeable future being the next 14 days, so we continue stepping up the temperature ladder.  I've gotten used to temps in the 80's now, so it's time to get used to the 90's I guess....if it weren't for the honor, I'd just as soon pass......mid 80's seems perfectly fine to me

I spent the entire afternoon after work watching Le Tour de France taking a couple of naps along the way.  I picked up TLE from the office at 4 pm, and we spent a few hours sitting outside listening to music and reading.  Once we get past the high temp of the day each day it cools quickly, and sitting outside could not be more pleasant.

We watched another recorded episode of 'Elementary' before heading out to close down the park for the evening.  We only had what I would call one 'hot spot' Saturday night, and after talking with them they turned down the music volume, and then turned it off at 10 pm as instructed.  You never know how those discussions will go, but these people, although inebriated, were reasonable and co-operative.  A 'hot spot' is a single, or multiple contiguous sites where the noise levels of talking, laughing and/or music are too high for the time of night.  I find that if we talk to them early on they will quiet down.  Once it is past 10 pm it gets more difficult to get them to co-operate.

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