TLE hasn't ridden her bike since early November just after we arrived in Sparks, NV to work at Amazon. I've had her bike out, and put together several times over the past 6 months, but she just never 'pulled the trigger' and actually rode the bike. Tuesday, however, was a different matter.....I enticed her into riding by suggesting that we ride down to Goodwill to browse through their current offerings, and then go across the street for lunch at Subway.
We were off a little after 11 for the 2.3 mile ride down to Goodwill......whilst TLE conducted an item by item search in the women's section I browsed through the jeans and shorts section over in the men's section, and managed to locate two pairs of cargo shorts to add to my summer collection. TLE found another sleeveless cost for all three items, with the seniors' discount, $10. We have found as we travel from state to state that each Goodwill seems to have a different seniors' discount policy.....some offer it only on specific days of the week, and some offer it every day, which is the case with the Riverside Goodwill. There was a time not too many years distant that I never asked for the seniors' discount, but now we always ask for it......why pay more when you can pay less, right?
It was a short ride to the Subway, which is directly across the street from Goodwill, where we ordered a foot long Subway Club with pretty much everything on it......okay, so far we have ridden just over 2.3 miles, and if we head directly home we won't even hit 5 miles, and you know for me the ride doesn't really start until you pass 10 we were eating I suggested we head toward the SART (Santa Ana River Trail) and ride it up to Fairmont Park, around the lake, then home.......surprisingly, she answered in the affirmative.
When you don't put in very much 'seat time' on your bike over a 6 month period of time the odds are you will start to feel a little soreness 'here and there' once you pass the 5 mile mark, and I began to hear a few comments from TLE about that very issue as we approached the turn to the park. Nevertheless, she finished the ride with style, and we finished at just under 10 miles for the ride.
We were back home by 2.....none the worse for the wear......there really isn't much else to report except just after Kate arrived home from work she and TLE drove over to 'Red Hot Kitchen' (Korean BBQ place) which was having a .99 cent taco night.....I was a little dubious as to whether I would like Korean BBQ tacos, but was pleasantly surprised......of course you might tell me how can anything that involves corn tortillas not taste good? As we ate, we watched the Washington Wizards vs. the Atlanta Hawks NBA playoff game, ultimately won by the Atlanta Hawks.
After dinner we retired to the coach where I watched most of the next NBA playoff game between the Memphis Grizzlies and Golden State Warriors. To be clear, the Golden State Warriors had the best record in the NBA this year with 67 wins, and are heavily favored to make it to the finals, if not win it all, however, on this night the Grizzlies went against the odds makers and won the game to tie the series at 1 game apiece.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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