One thing I'm enjoying about our new manager's (Robert) management style is.....well, actually, there are two things.....number one is he is holding staff meetings every day at 10 am until we are all up to speed in order to deal with questions, suggestions, and instructions with everyone present. Number two is he delegates responsibility....he trusts us to to our jobs, and to know what needs to be done.....he is not there hovering.
TLE and I were on duty by 8:30 am......our employee codes have been activated so we can now clock in an clock out.....we were writing our hours down up until Tuesday. TLE spent her day training people to use the DigiRez system, while I spent part of my day helping clean up the maintenance/storage yard, and then a few hours training people how to be a ranger here at TVC. Robert wants everyone to be cross trained in any position so anyone can be used anywhere in the park based on need.
After lunch I spent most of the afternoon with an electrician who was trying to diagnose why only one leg of my 50 amp service is not working. When we first plugged in Saturday both legs were working, but within a few hours only the left leg was working so I only had power in half the coach. For the uninitiate 50 amp service means you have two legs carrying 50 amps of power each giving you a total of 100 amps. 50 amp RV's are set up distributing half of the 100 amps to part of the RV, and half to the other part of the RV. There are 7 sites receiving electricity from each large duplex breaker in the main service panel for Section E. For instance breaker #6 supplies power to sites 426 (ours) through 433. Our site is on the end of that 'run'. The electrician started working backward from our site to isolate where the problem was. There were no issues with wiring in any of the pedestals, but we determined that from site 429 to 427 one leg of the 50 amp service disappears, so it is not just ours, the the site next to ours (427) that has this same issue. So it was determined that the problem is underground between sites 429 and 427 (site 428 is across the street and on a different 'run'), which means they will have to come back, excavate about 40 feet and replace that large electrical cable. Right now I am (as you know from reading my past blog entries this week) hooked up to a pedestal on a different circuit, and the folks coming into that site will not be here for a month, so there is plenty of time to get this fixed.
I clocked out at 3 pm as my six hours were up and headed for home, however, I ended up helping a gentleman parked behind us to get his cable TV running, then around 5 went over to section F to help a young couple (Pierce and Wesli) get their Dodge Van Conversion hooked up.....they are working here in the park, but are brand new to RV ownership. They did not know how to turn on the propane, light their water heater, or oven. I also helped them get their water hooked up and determined their house battery was dead, which is why their 12 volt interior lights don't work when they are parked.
Finally, on my way back to the coach around 6 pm I helped two late arriving families get into their sites for the night.....all in a day's work. Tuesday just flew by, which is what I like. When I went back to the maintenance/storage yard to park my cart and plug it in to recharge I was amazed at how much work Alex and Adam had done to clean up and organize the maintenance part of the yard....WOW! I'll post pictures later.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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