10:05 am - Sunday - Slept in until 9:30 am, but didn't go to bed until 2:40 am.....wondering why? Read on.....
Saturday was a very warm day so I didn't take an extended bike ride, however, I did ride to the TruValue Hardware store, and then took a separate ride over to Higher Ground Autoworx to pick up the VW. By the time I returned with the car TLE had turned on the AC for which I was grateful....it was only just noon time. I know...I know....I fuss about the heat, but I am grateful we are spending the summer at 6,300' elevation where you can count the number of 90+ degree days each summer on one hand. It does, however, feel as if we are in the midst of the 'Dog Days of Summer'.
I had planned to spend copious amounts of time watching the 3rd round of the 98th edition of the PGA Championship, however, it rained at Baltusrol (near Sprinfield, NJ) most of the day so play was suspended until Sunday when many of the golfers will have to play 36 holes of golf.
We arrived to begin our 'night shift' around 3:20 and within minutes were into the flow of the afternoon. I could already feel a coolness in the air that had not been there the past two afternoons. I might add that even though I have had my jacket with me the past 3 nights I have not worn it once.......the night air is quite pleasant this time of year even at midnight.
By 5:30 I was already asking folks to turn the volume down on their music.....when I can hear their music 4-5 sites away it's obviously too loud. Most everyone cooperated, however there were a couple who would turn it back up after I left, which required me to turn around and revisit the issue with the recalcitrants. Yeah, go ahead and challenge me and I'll be on you like white on rice.
We had a wedding reception in our large movie/music tent that went right up to 10 pm, which is the beginning of our 'Quiet Hour', and they were extremely cooperative when reminded that 10 pm was approaching at 9:45 pm. By 5 after 10 they had retired to their sites for the night at which time I made my 'Quiet Hour' rounds asking folks to turn down the volume on their conversations, and turn off any music. Once again I had a couple of sites where they resisted my suggestion, and had to return several times to get them to shut off the music, and in one case stop chopping wood at 11:15 pm. Having to revisit these noisy sites put me behind and I didn't get to the janitorial part of my job (sweeping, vacuuming and mopping the store/office/lounge areas), which meant TLE and I didn't begin our final bathroom rounds until almost midnight. There were several stubborn commodes which resisted my efforts to unclog them.....maintenance will have to escalate the unclogging efforts using plumber's 'snake' Sunday morning.
We punched the clock around 12:25 pm and were almost back to the coach when I got a call from our assistant manager, Victor, advising he had a noise complaint call and would we respond....."Of course" I replied. We were directed to site 446 where we encountered 4 extremely intoxicated individuals (3 males and a female) who were playing music, talking and laughing quite loudly. After spending about 15 minutes urging and cajoling them to go to bed they finally relented and crawled into their tents where I am sure they passed out quite suddenly.
We had been home for about an hour when the Ranger iPhone rang at 2:22 am with another noise complaint......this time in site 347 (another tent site). TLE came with me as we drove the cart over to site 347 to encounter loud music, loud talking, loud laughing and many intoxicated individuals. TLE asked to take the lead and walked into the site telling asking them to turn off the music, and go to bed, which they promptly did......maybe she has more charm than I, hmmmm?
We decided to made another quick round of the entire park to be sure nothing else was brewing that might draw us back into the early morning air, returning to the coach around 2:40 am, and in bed shortly thereafter. Thankfully this type of night has been atypical of our experience so far.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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