8:29 am - Monday - Last of 7 straight days of work.....good night's sleep, however, the Ranger Phone rang for the first time at 2:36 am. The customer, who had just arrived.....why people think arriving at a strange place at 2:36 am is a good idea I have no idea.....could not get into site 236 because a car was blocking the site. I suggested they park their RV in the registration line and wait until 8 am when a ranger would be on duty to contact the people who's car was blocking their site. They agreed and apologized for calling so late/early.
I gave myself the day off from riding my bicycle and watched the end of Le Tour de France won by Chris Froome for the 3rd time. There never seemed to be any doubt that he would win once he donned the yellow jersey after Stage 8. I always enjoy watching the peloton race up and down the 'Avenue des Champs-Elysees'.....it is quite a spectacle! After that ended I watched most of the final round of the American Century Celebrity Golf Championship which is played right here in South Lake Tahoe at Edgewood Golf Course every July. We always know when the tournament is about to begin as dozens and dozens of corporate type jets can be heard landing and taking off at the SLT airport, which is less than a mile from TVC.
So, Sunday night....what did that look like? On Sunday's, as I wrote a few days ago, our shift is from 3 pm until 11:30 pm (half hour lunch). The first hour was a little hectic, but things settled down just after 4 pm and I met my friend Harry over at our site to work on finishing the installation of the red/blue flashing light bar on top of the Ranger Cart. The light bar had previously been on an old Chevy S-10 pickup, but had been sitting in one of the maintenance sheds for the past 8 years, or more, unused. At Harry's suggestion I retrieved the rest of the wiring harness from the S-10, which includes the on/off switch, so we could wire it up. It took just under 30 minutes to finish and the end result is we now have a working emergency flashing light bar! (Pictures to follow tomorrow).
Sunday evening was probably the easiest night shift for me yet.....not so much for TLE, but I'll let her expand on that at a later date if she so wishes. I made many rounds of the park, helped folks into their sites, answered questions, unclogged 3 toilets, checked restrooms to be sure there were adequate supplies of paper towels and TP, balanced out the PH levels in the pool, added water to the pool, picked up trash, kept watch on the entrance, directed traffic, slowed people down and just generally had a nice, smooth, enjoyable evening.
While TLE closed out Sunday's office/store accounts I swept, dry mopped and wet mopped the store, bathrooms, and lounge and then TLE and I made one last round of the four restrooms checking once again on paper towels and TP before punching the clock.
We sat talking and unwinding for about an hour before heading to bed just after 1 am.....another good day, errr night, on the night shift!
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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