9:47 am - Saturday - Slept in until 9:15 this morning.....so quiet last night! Another warm day on tap.....I don't think it has rained in 6 weeks, and we could use some to knock the dust down.
As you know from reading yesterday's daily missive I was up way too early, and ended up taking at least one 1 hour nap, and a couple of shorties. I drove the VW over to Higher Ground Autoworx for our yearly oil change and checkup around 10, and rode my bicycle back to the coach.....it's only a little over 1 mile to Higher Ground.
We continue to receive praise from our coworkers about the work we are doing on the night shift getting the office/store/lounge mopped and cleaned for the day shift, and TLE's work at getting all the accounts balanced, and the remainder of the problems remaining from the day shift solved is greatly appreciated. John, our pool guy, loves finding the pool clear and clean each morning, and we 'hear' that the noise at night has been at a minimum since we took over the night shift duties.
Everyone who has worked the night shift says the same thing......they don't like the first two hours, but by 5:30 things begin to settle down, and that is my take also. From 5:30 on things calm down and the whole atmosphere is more laid back. Friday night is either movie night, or live music night and this week it was movie night. We featured 'Kung Fu Panda'.....we have a requirement that every adult must be chaperoned by a child.
Around 9 pm, just after Heather and I had completed our bathroom inspection round, at least 8 RV's accompanied by trucks, trailers, Jeeps, etc. suddenly arrived completely clogging up our entrance. I was helping Heather breakdown the audio/visual equipment from the movie showing and was caught off guard......so many RV's arriving that late at night is very unusual. By the time I got out to the entrance the RV's were lined up almost to Melba Drive. I was able to quickly send two of them directly to their sites, and then close up the line thereby opening up the traffic lane again within a few minutes. This large group comes every year to run the Rubicon Trail in their heavily modified Jeeps. Fortunately all their sites were in our pull through section (sites 101-111) and I was able to get them all in without dropping their long trailers....some of them were 70' long (RV and Jeep trailer) and were essentially parked 'asphalt to asphalt' barely getting their long rigs off the pavement. Within 30 minutes all the excitement settled down, and things got back to normal. TLE handled the onslaught of people in the office smoothly and efficiently which really helped me outside.
I had more than my fair share of clogged toilets Friday night......some of them.....well, you can guess.....are just disgusting. I just close my eyes and start plunging. Most of the clogs can be fixed with just a couple of hard plunges using the PLUNGER, but some require up to a dozen before they disappear into sewer land.
TLE and I locked the office doors about 11:30, set the alarm and went on the last bathroom check run of the evening where I continued to encounter more than my fair share of clogs. We clocked out just after midnight with all bathrooms stocked with TP and paper towels, and all toilets running clear and clean. We were home relaxing by 12:15 am.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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