Monday, January 27, 2020

NO! NO! NO! NO! It has to be a mistake!

7:08 am - Monday - January 27th - Riverside, CA - 45° F, 93% humidity, wind - CALM.....clear, and cool this morning with a forecast high today of 73° F.

Sunday had a whole different feel to it than other Sunday's, and it only got more different as the morning continued.  Sometime after 10 am we received news via the Golf Channel (we were watching the PGA tournament at Torrey Pines, which is on the north end of San Diego right on the ocean) that Kobe Bryant and his 13 year old daughter had been killed  along with 7 other people in a helicopter crash near Calabasas, CA .  I heard myself saying over and over again......."NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! has to be a mistake!".....but it wasn't.  He was just 41 years old....he was born the same year my oldest daughter, Meredith.  I watched him win 5 NBA championships over his 20 year career with the L.A. Lakers, and even though I never met him, I, like so many people, felt like I 'knew' him.  The news cast a pall over the rest of the day, and it is really kind of a blur to me as pretty much every single TV station switched to live coverage of the tragedy......a tragedy that touches all those connected those 9 people in that helicopter.  As I compose today's post while listening to ESPN's Golic and Wingo show my eyes continue to form tears.  At any rate, life must continue, and it is, although with a certain unrelenting soberness.  One is reminded harshly at this time how temporal life one knows when their number is going to be called for the final time, and this event only serves as a reminder of that fact.

We did venture out briefly sometime after noon time to shop at the local Smart & Final, but were home again within an hour trying to process what happened that morning......

....I apologize for the brevity of today's post, but I just don't have it in me today.  I appreciate every single one of you who stopped by today, and I will 'see' you tomorrow, hopefully in a better frame of mind.

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